How Did East Asia Overtake South Asia?

One of the explanations advanced is that overall labor demand, a greater supply of highly educated men, and more rigid work conditions in Japan and South Korea are major obstacles to the equal economic participation of married women in those countries. Also, the greater flexibility in work demands and work hours prevalent in Taiwan is complemented by relatively weaker patriarchal values in the family. Another common example of this romanticization is East Asian bait-ing. Social media has exemplified this through the fox-eye trend, where people purposefully elongate their eyes by pulling their face to get the “fox-eye look”. Many Asians with monolids and slanted eye shapes are mocked for these features, but when white models adopt this trait, it becomes aesthetically beautiful on them. This is a recurring societal pattern where the common ethnic features of people of color are only found desirable on white people.

So generally the poorest families were the most likely to send their daughters and wives away to work. Yet once family circumstances improved, the women would be brought back home to regain social respectability. If a woman was seen as moving about too freely, the ensuing gossip would soon circulate through close-knit rural communities, ruin her marriage prospects, and disgrace her family. Chinese men were over four times as likely to be literate in the 1880s. ‘Bringing up a daughter is like watering a plant in another’s courtyard’ – they said in Telegu.

The present scenario in South-East Asia is still dramatic particularly in the rural and feudal areas, where the tribal chief and the Jirga remain in command. Non-governmental organizations, women rights movements, Amnesty International and human rights workers periodically manage to follow-up the victims of violence and bring the culprits to justice. South-East Asia is the most heavily populated and amongst the poorest regions in the world. It faces enormous social, economic and health challenges, including pervasive inequality, violence, political instability and high burden of diseases. Asian Americans are the fastest-growing major racial or ethnic group in the United States. More than 22 million Asians live in the U.S., and almost all trace their roots to specific countries or populations from East and Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Elsewhere in the world, female politicians inspire other women to become politically active and stand for public office.

  • These women are moving away from the traditional dictates of Indonesian culture, wherein women act simply and solely as wives and mothers.
  • On February 12, 2002, Helen Clark, then prime minister of New Zealand apologized “to those Chinese people who had paid the poll tax and suffered other discrimination, and to their descendants”.
  • Unafraid to criticise her native land of China, her adoptive land of America, her family, her culture, and herself, Yiyun Li is above all things honest, and one of the most revolutionary female Asian writers as a result.
  • Approximately66% of Asian Americans are foreign-born, the highest proportion of any racial group nationwide.
  • Likewise, the portrayal of Asian men as undesirable and emasculated has led to policies like the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which prohibited all Chinese immigration due to the growing anti-Chinese sentiment.

This thought is reflected through certain discriminative behaviors of people. The birth of a baby boy is celebrated with fervor even in very poor families, and they look for every possibility for celebration on the occasion of birth of a male child even if they have to take loan for it. The situation is even worse in some rural areas of India where the girls are even deprived of their right to live. Sex selection during pregnancy is still rampant in India, where women are forced to abort a female fetus. In one of the rural areas of India, it happened that, when a woman came home from hospital cradling her newborn daughter, her mother-in-law mashed a poisonous coriander into the dollop of oil and forced it down the infant’s throat. The reason behind it was that sacrificing a daughter guarantees a son in next pregnancy.

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“GOP senator says China ‘to blame’ for coronavirus spread because of ‘culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs’ “. East Asian bodies are often stereotyped of as lacking the physical ability to endure labor-intensive tasks which is required to play sports especially contact sports. This stereotype has led to discrimination in the recruitment process for professional American sports teams where Asian American athletes are highly underrepresented.

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Even worse, these critics contend, is the common portrayal of the East Asian population as having yellow, sometimes orange or even lemon colored skin tones . In instances of rape in pornography, a study found that young East Asian women are overrepresented. It had been suggested that the hypersexualized yet compliant representations of East Asian women being a frequent theme in American media is the cause of this. In addition, East Asian women being often stereotyped as having tighter vaginas than other races is another suggested factor.

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Across the world, women whose ancestors subsisted on pastoralism tended to be closely guarded, with little freedom of movement. Muslim rulers practised purdah, and upwardly mobile families followed suit to gain prestige. They worked hard for their families, but seldom mixing with outsiders. Once seclusion became normative , men preserved their honour by policing female kin, for rumours of misconduct would soil the family name.

Ambedkar famously decried the village as ‘a sink of localism, a den of ignorance, narrow-mindedness and communalism’. Yet thanks to South Asia’s pattern of economic development, those same institutions have been transported to the cities. But industrialisation did not magically emancipate women; rather, it created the social context in which women could pursue their own emancipation.